Throw ball into the stands:
If you catch the last out of an inning with your RF or LF, you can throw the ball into the stands:
- For RF, press Triangle + O simultaneously
- For LF, press Triangle + Square simultaneously
Call a homerun:
As a hitter, you can "call a shot" and point your bat/finger to LF/CF/RF.
Enter the command BEFORE the batter steps into the box for his regular pre-bat cut scene. Works best if you hold the buttons right after the previous batter makes an out/gets a hit.
Point to LF: press and hold L1+R1+Left simultaneously
Point to CF: press and hold L1+R1+Up simultaneously
Point to RF: press and hold L1+R1+Right simultaneously
Homerun Celebration Poses:
Enter the command at the scene where your homerun hitter touches home plate. You will see the special pose after you slap hands with your teammates.
Raise fist: press and hold L1+R1+Up
Alex Ramirez pose: press and hold L1+R1+Right
Julio Zuleta pose (even though he is no longer in the league): press and hold L1+R1+Down
Benny Agbaiani (ditto): press and hold L1+R1+Left